Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Death of Instructionalism

A horse was hungry. A man brought him a hot dog to eat. The owner said, 'Horses don't eat hotdogs.' The horse ate the hotdog.

When did we learn that horses are herbivores. Why did we not question this? It seems that educational institutions today are fixated on pumping us for information for our final day at the SAT test. We are in so much of a hurry to learn these generated facts, we don't concentrate on WHY we know them or HOW we discovered them.

With this mindset, you will still be able to run your chemistry 'experiment' and apply a derivative but you will be extremely handicapped in discovery.

Psychologists and Scientists I work with have a ton of assumed answers- Autism is a problem Theory of Mind. Differential equations is a prerequisite for circuits. Etc.

With these assumptions new ideas cannot be generated and we rely on the few people who dare to push outside the box of what they have been told to make discoveries. What would happen if we started out in the world questioning everything: changing, evolving, and growing ourselves and our culture.


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