Monday, November 9, 2009

Randomized Stranger Generator

Every day people get a random on their cellphone. When this buzz happens, the next moment when it is appropriate (aka not in the middle of a meeting but right afterwards), the person has to go up and meet someone they have never talked to before.

Skills can be taught to the participant on how to introduce yourself to someone you have never met.

I read somewhere that 1 out of 4 people you meet knows something that would be useful for you - a connection for a job, information on a sale, etc. If we increase our exposure to people, we will increase the chances that we make awesome new connections.

Additionally, I believe removing our "I only talk with people I know" culture is vital for community to flourish.

If people do form new connections and are less afraid to talk to people based off of this theory I can suggest this strategy be used in CBT therapy for people with social aversion and I can also develop an app for the iPhone that could sale in the thousands to business people.

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