Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thinking of You, Musically

I have recently been dating someone which has added a bit of jump into my life.  Sometimes when I'm listening to the raido, or itunes, or pandora, I will hear a song that I would like her to hear.  Wouldn't it be great if I could instantly send that song to her with a click of a button.

This would not be sent to her via email or a download.  The music would just begin playing in whatever playlist she is on, a nice little surprise.  I would love for my playlist to be sprinkled with thoughts from others.

1 comment:

  1. great idea Elliott. I often think of other people musically, and wish i had ways to share it.

    Sometimes it is just a chorus or a few lines of a song that makes me think of someone. I hope I'd be able to just share the tagged bits of the song.
